domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2012

Big Fish Audio - Celtic Instruments

At long last, you can add the mesmerizing essence of the Celtic tradition to your music or score. You’ll be instantly transported to the misty hills of Scotland and Ireland with “Celtic Instruments.” Featured are high-quality, large and detailed samples of instruments, such as Great Highland Pipes, Uillian Pipes, Scottish Small Pipes, and other bagpipe-style instruments. To round out your Celtic experience, there are also samples featuring pennywhistle, bodhran (Irish drum), fiddle, and more. “A one-stop solution to anyone looking for a rounded Celtic experience.” 4 out of 5 - Sound on Sound

Details: Accordion | Bodhran Hits | Bodhran Licks | Bodhran Loops | Celtic Harp Sustained | Celtic Harp Harmonics | Celtic Harp Glissandos (fast up & down, slow up & down, scrapes, etc) | Fiddle (fast attack, slow attack, marc, slides, turns, etc) | Great Highland Pipes | Celtic Guitar | Harmonica | Low Whistle | North Umbrian Small Pipes | Pennywhistle | Scottish Small Pipes | Ullian Pipes

Celtic Percussion: Tenor Drum | Spoons | Pipe Snare Drum | Clogs | Bones.

Genres: Celtic, World, Irish

Files: .wav .nki

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